To observe World Diabetes Day (November 14)  and Diabetes Awareness Month (November), Rotary District 5240 is organizing a Multi-Activity Family Fellowship Meet-Up in Thousand Oaks California. DG Sherry Peckhoon Sim and Event Co-Chairs Jim Wisdom, Edwin Velarde and Kim Fly are inviting you to join this fun-filled family-friendly Sunday.
The 3 year (2024-2026) theme of World Diabetes Day is Diabetes and Well-being.

Over 537 Million around the globe suffer from diabetes while half don’t even know.  People with diabetes, those that are aware, face daily challenges managing their condition at home, work, and school. They must be resilient, organized, and responsible, impacting both their physical and mental well-being.

The event co-chairs with support of DG Sherry, believes that well-being, prevention and proper management of diabetes includes fun family activities like those planned for this event.

Bring friends and the whole family!

11:00 AM, Sunday, November 10, 2024

Samuelson Aquatic Center at CLU Campus - 100 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks

1:00 PM at Tarantula Brewing Company, - 244 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks


Co-Chair, Swim/Plunge - Jim Wisdom
Co-Chair, Family Bicycle Ride – Edwin Velarde
Co-Chair, Nature Walk – Kim Fly


Edwin A. Velarde

Chair, D5240 Action Group for Diabetes (2024-2025)
Chair of Development, Rotary Action Group for Diabetes (2023-2026)