If you have not been to Cayucos Rotary's Masquerade evening, please mark your calendar for 2024; it's usually held on the 3rd Saturday in March, to commemorate Cayucos Rotary's charter on March 25, 2008.
This Rotary year, Cayucos Rotary conducted our Masquerade fundraiser successfully and reined in about $75,000 from sponsorships, ticket sales, live auction, silent auction, desserts sales, raffle tickets and bar sales. The event is well supported by the local community, as residents stride in their favorite costumes or evening wear of their choice each year. Tickets typically sell out. In addition to dinner, guests are entertained by a DJ and dancing follows when the auctions are completed.
Cayucos Rotary also wishes to thank District 5240 Rotarians for supporting our club's annual fundraiser every year.