At the invitation of Mayor Karen Goh, Bakersfield citizen volunteers in their socially-responsible masks, banded together to help beautify Downtown Bakersfield, Saturday October 17th. Among the sea of red shirted Centennial Interact Club members were dozens of volunteer Rotarians from East, West and Twilight clubs, including several city representatives. Home Depot donated six flats of perennial flowers for the planters at 'H' and Eye streets.
  Centennial Interact Club
Lead by Interact President Makenna Moseley, were thirty-six Interact Club volunteers. Forty-five student volunteers paraded the main streets of Chester Ave. and 'H' Street to pick up trash and debris, while a half-dozen helped to paint benches and trash can containers. Several splinter student groups worked elbow-to-elbow with Rotarians to groom the planters and place the flowers to their beds.
 Interactors with their Handy Trash Picker-uppers
It's totally gratifying and so wonderful and heartening to see all of these people venture out-of-doors to take interest in their community, even though California has a color-coded coronavirus plan restricting social activity.  Hopefully, the out-of-door distancing and masks of this event will continue to keep our youth and their families safe. It is truly a worthy cause among the less venturesome during this unpopular health outbreak.
  ROTARIANS - Friends All