The Rotary Health Center Jessore, Bangladesh It is a non-profit 50-bed general Hospital for the poor people in this region. Both outdoor and indoor medical services are provided for the poor in the community at nominal cost. Every year in the outdoor section 2500 patients receive medical consultation, treatment and medicine from an outdoor medical officer.
More than 1000 operations are conducted yearly in the indoor section of the hospital. The health center also offers arsenicosis patient management as arsenic contamination is rampant in Jessore.
A needs assessment at the hospital concluded that to continue to serve its beneficiaries with high quality medical treatment, new equipment is required. The Rotary Club of Westlake Village Sunrise has partnered with the Rotary Club Jessore and The Rotary Foundation through Global Grant GG to upgrade the medical equipment at the hospital.
The Global Grant will provide the hospital with a new 500 mA X-ray Machine and a Fully automated Hematology Analyzer. This equipment will enable the medical staff at Rotary Hospital Jessore to provide better and more efficient support to the communities they serve.
The project will be completed in the first quarter of the new Rotary Year and will be attended via zoom by the Westlake Village Sunrise Rotarians. More Information Contact Nick Frankle nickdg1617@earthlink.net 805-402-6303